Where to start

Many of us find it difficult to be faced by the 'big blank page' of a journal. Journalling for wellbeing is quite different to those angst-ridden diaries some of us kept when we were young and can be a place to pause and reflect in a way that works for you .

In this mini-course, I offer you a journaling prompt with a related quotation each day to help you get started. All it takes is a little time, a nice cuppa, a notebook you like and something to write or draw with. You can write a few words or a few pages. You can do every single one or pick and choose.

This is your journalling experiment and this course offers you a soft scaffold to get going. By the end of the experiment, you will know if this kind of journalling is helpful to you and can decide on your next steps.

Who is it for?

This course is intended for social workers & others in the helping professions .The prompts I've chosen are guided by values and themes of compassion, diversity, self-compassion and mindfulness. A new prompt will be revealed each day on the course website and by email direct to your Inbox. All you need is your own journal, notebook or bunch of paper and something to write or draw with.

an image of a hand drawn tick mark with the words: Highlights and Achievements
Remembering the good

an image of a hand drawn mountain wit dark clouds above and the words: Mountains I'm climbing
Working with the tough

an image of a hand drawn lightbulb with the words: Ideas and Insights
Capturing what matters
